Sabtu, 21 Mei 2016

Celebrate the Graduation Nowadays

Mohammad Yoga Nugraha
Information System / 10151026

A few weeks ago, many student from high school have finished their exam. They express the moment with different ways. Praying, screaming, laughing, etc. Most of them crying because they know, today is the last day to spend the time with their friends. But nowadays, most of them celebrating with the bad way.
The first, most of student doing graffiti on the clothes, it’s difficult to break the habit when celebrate graduation. At first they’re only grafitti their shirt. But, later they do that on hair, shoes, and some of rich-student do that on their car, wow that’s so fantastic. Like other say, better when the shirt or maybe the car given to people who need that, rather than become useless. It will make us happy when we know that was help the others.
Second, doing convoy on the road that was harm the others. Until now, I’m still confused, what the student want when they do that. Whether they want to show to other that they've graduated?. Or just for spent the gasoline ?. Most of them just following their friends. The point is convoy activity have no benefit, more likely harm the others.

And the last is engage in a gang fight, stupid way to celebrate the graduation. Why stupid, because what the benefit from it? You only get injured, that’s better, how if you died, maybe that’s better for reduce the stupid people. Do you don’t think about your family? Your life?. Usually the gang fight happen because old grudge, or because taunted each other when convoy. That’s it, convoy again.
                 From the reason I mentioned above, most of student celebrate the graduation with the bad way. Why you just don’t give the clothes to others ?. Why you doing convoy just for nothing ?. Why you start to fight ?. There is  better way to celebrate the graduation, like share with the others. If you still want to convoy, better do a charity
 event when doing convoy and never drive with arrogant way, so that will reduce the negative effect. Nothing to do to get the positive impact from a gang fight, you’ve graduation from school, so you can think this activity has bad effect, you better forgive the others, who know your age. So, celebrate the graduation is your rights, but please doing it with a good way with the positive effect to you and the others.

words : 402


8 komentar:

  1. I agree, what is done by the students of HIGH SCHOOL is not important and throwing money away.

  2. I think the same way. There is no point to do such a thing.

  3. Yes, i agree with you. that the activites not important and disturb. Even though, when student finish of senior high scholl, indicate their is adult and a hope for future of society.

  4. I agree. They should do something more useful, rather than celebrate the graduation with annoying people around and the people

  5. I agree with this article, good for those who want to celebrate the graduation of this in a good way either, such as handing out rice packets to neighbors, helping orphans, and there are many good things that can be done rather than have to celebrate graduation with a party like it

  6. I really really agree with you! Nice article! So inspiring. I hope, that celebrating graduation like this don't happen again in Indonesia

  7. I strongly agree with your article, because the celebrate graduation was supposed to be more helpful, like giving clothes to other people more helpful

  8. I strongly agree with your article, because the celebrate graduation was supposed to be more helpful, like giving clothes to other people more helpful
