Sabtu, 21 Mei 2016

Intersection, The Google Startup

Aprizal Kamran
Information System/10151007

Nowadays, with the technology become more modern, the city that we live also became modern too. But,  with the technology become modern the more resource we need like internet connection. The internet connection now is the one important thing in daily lives. Our smartphone, our laptop, even the smart TV need internet connection now. Because the internet connection is the power and the priority thing in all people that using it. To resolve that problem, Google hava an idea that is  their new startup called Intersection. The Intersection startup  idea is that someone could walk up or down a street and stay connected to the public Wi-Fi network the entire time. I thing we must adapt this Google startup in all city in Indonesia because everyone need internet connection now with the technology that we have.

The first reason is that the project should be inexpensive or free to install. We dont need to pay the tax or anything for the project. We just use the Wi-Fi connection all around and anytime. We know that everyone need super fast connection and they are free. The Intersection startup is the resolution. More than  100 links in all around in the city like in the park, school, library, even in the subway. The other thing is, the Intersection startup can be deploy to other cities and can be link each other.

The second thing is other cities is that Links should be inexpensive or free to install thanks to the two digital advertising spaces on both sides that mean that the system should eventually pay for itself. When Google restructured itself into Alphabet last summer, it also created Sidewalk Labs, an independent subsidiary led by CEO Dan Doctoroff dedicated to urban technology. Sidewalk Labs has big plans for its investment in Intersection. One possibility is that Intersection could take its design for municipal Wi-Fi hotspots and enter into contracts with other cities.

The third reason is our daily lifestyle. As we know now the internet connection is the power right now.  The internet is support for anything. The internet support the work in our office and doing video conference.  The other thing is the internet support when we play online games and the last thing is the internet support when we share  information to family and friends.

From three main point above, we can see that there are many benefit for us and every one who use it later. We can see it from our daily lifestyle. Everyday the laptop and smartphone become our lifestyle. Is it the everyone daily lifestyle rightnow.  While the internet is the power and priority rightnow, we can do anything with the internet. The internet also support us for anything like when we work and when we share information. The last thing is the Intersection startup is free to use and we dont` have to pay the Google project and also the Intersection can be deploy to other cities so other city can link each other.

Words : 499


4 komentar:

  1. i am agree because google startup helping many people

  2. I strongly agree as google is very help a lot of people

  3. im agree with this article,with the technology become more modern.we must adapt with Google startup.
    our lifestyle nowadays is using smartphone and laptop a lot so we needed this google startup.because it's making the internet accsess become more practice because free to use and we dont` have to pay the Google project.

  4. im agree because everyone need internet connection now with the technology that we have
