Minggu, 22 Mei 2016

Why Students Lazy to Learn?

Why Students Lazy to Learn? by : Muhamad Ali Husni / 1015107

Learning is a process of change in the human personality and the changes will be shown in the form of improved quality and quantity of behavior such as increased skills, knowledge, attitudes, habits, understanding, skills, intellect and other abilities. Lazy interpreted as reluctance someone to do something he should do. Lazy is refused the task, no discipline, no persevering, cheekily, procrastinate something, distract yourself from liability, etc. There are many factors that make students become lazy. I'll give three factors in this article.
First, Onlines Gaming, Usually students who loves to play games online. students (especially the guy) weighs more than learning to play the game online. Not only students who like to play games online also like to forget to eat, forget to drink, forget to shower, etc.
Then, Teaching system that is not interesting or dislike a lesson, many students are lazy to learn because lessons are not attractive or learning systems by the teacher did not draw. it could be a bad teacher's teaching methods, children do not like the taste of these subjects or do not like the teacher.
And Then, Effect HP ,Which of course you already know what causes Hp be the cause of lazy learning. SMS, Learning while texting might concentrations learn so chaotic, Reply SMS from a friend or a girlfriend, keep learning, keep up texting again, continue to learn, so like that. If Learning With texting would be chaotic concentration. BBM, Perhaps only some teenagers who kagak has pin BB (Blackberry). BBM does not much different from the same texting, equally disturbing concentration while studying. if already BBMan same gebetan or girlfriend that must forget everything, perhaps learning 2% BBM 10%.Twitter and FB. Twitter and FB also affect laziness of students to learn. This social media is certainly already know about. Youth of today are still definitely more active on Twitter than FB. And also other social media. Etc.
It can be concluded, cause "Why the students lazy to learn?" namely because of management time that is less than the student, and also may be due to the development of emerging technology that makes students become lazy. And that is why the article lazy student learning?
I hope after reading this article make you think or teach to not be lazy to learn. if there is a wrong word, please write a comment. Thank you.

369 Words

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7 komentar:

  1. I think from now rid of lazy habits, have to get used to reduce nonessential activities and start learning to seek knowledge

  2. yes i agree with you. but in fact it is caused by lazy self and environment

  3. I disagree with your opinion that online games can make us lazy. Because there also some people that still productive even they play online games. Its more about how we can build our self-consiousness and control ourself

  4. I disagree if online games make student become lazy, cause based on the survey i did online games does'not give any impact to student's study time


  5. OK I agree, of course, to review the Personal Record Also Must articles I could change the nature of the bad , and do NOT Always deadline telecoms ... wkwkwk

  6. may be one of the factors many children are lazy to learn is wrong in the use of technology.

  7. A very good sms! The same is for us guys, too. I am enjoying it because of these so romantic. Actually, I am looking forText Message. Do you have?
