Senin, 23 Mei 2016

Emasculated Law for Rapist and Murderers

                    Rape? Murder? Crime of sexuality?. Those words are famous in Indonesia lately. Start from Yuyun, Eno and another crime of sexuality cases. They’re not only raped, but they also brutally murdered. Those crime are that can't be forgiven. Women are God’s creator that must be protected by man. We were born from womb of women so we have to protected women not to hurt them. A murderer and rapist deserve to be severely punished. Government has initiated legal regulations about emasculated law for rapists. I am very agree with the goverment because penalty of life imprisonment and even the death penalty is not sufficient to minimize sexual crimes in Indonesia.
A woman who has been raped and still alife have a mental burden causes by deep trauma. They felt very dirty and stained so sometimes they think that they’re want to kill theirself. Crimes of sexuality contained lot of negative impacts.      
The death law for a rapists can’t give them deterrent effect so that similar crimes will happen again. The death law is suitable for murderers because life cost life. Different from emasculated law, man who have emasculated law will lost their testicles and their sexual desire or more less like impoten. They will not confident with their deficiency so it can minimalize crimes of sexuality.
                    In some country, emasculated law has held since long time. United States of America. Already since 1996 the United States to apply chemical castration for sex offenders against children. Chemical castration is not to cut the sex organs. However testicles cut off and their sex drive considerably reduced so that they do not really desire to have sexual activity. Poland. Since 2009 the official Polish gelding penalty for perpetrators of rape against minors . Gelding made ​​after the suspect was found guilty by the court . Actually, many citizens who do not agree yet realized gelding punishment indeed give deterrent effect to the perpetrators . Child sexual crimes even reduced considerably since these sanctions are applied . In 2012 Maldova as fractional Soviet countries impose penalties gelding . Despite criticism from human rights organizations of the world, they still apply . Sexual violence itself pretty much in Maldova . Nevertheless gelding punishment is quite effective .
Some countries that mentioned above have implemented emasculated punishment for rapists. It proves that punishment effective to reduce or minimalize crimes of sexuality.

Created By : Catherine Nur Sukma Adi Cahya/10151009

5 komentar:

  1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  2. I was puzzled to find the points of the article that you created.
    why no color as a marker

  3. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  4. i think indonesia need this law,rapist should emasculated!!

  5. i agree with you deo, indonesia should implement life imprisonment for perpetrators of such crimes.
