Minggu, 22 Mei 2016


Naurah Nazifah
Mathematics / 02151012

   Smoking is not a stranger thing in Indonesia.  The cigarettes sold at a cheap price in stores. It is also make an easier way for people to buy it. We can easily find people who smoking in every places. At the street, at the mall and even in the house we can find people who are smoking. Smoking rate is also increasing. And unfortunately, teenage’s smoking rate in Indonesia is increasing every year. Indonesia has the highest percentage of active smokers as much as 36.1% of adults and 67% of male teenagers. The more people that become active smokers, the more others become passive smokers too. It would be very dangerous thing for Indonesian public health, especially for Indonesia’s children. Therefore, we must avoid to smoke in front of children or people that we care so they do not become a passive smokers. Because a passive smoker has a three times more harmful risk than  an active smoker.

   The first dangerous thing is inhibition of brain development and behavior effect because disruption of nerve’s system.  Brain is a very important component for humans.  When the development is hampered, it will be a very dangerous thing. Especially for children who are currently in development time.

   The second thing is the learning’s problem and difficult to concentrating . When a child has this problem, it will definitely be very harmful to his future. Difficult to concertrating will make children difficult to absorb the lessons that they learned in school . This will make an affect for the achievement and progress of that child.

   The last thing is enlarge the risk of death and organ damages. When a child inhale the cigarette’s smoke , diseases will easily attack him.  Such as asthma , lung cancer and others. If  we not really care about it, it will lead to death or damage to other organs. Of course, it’s gonna make a dangerous things. And we don’t want it to be happen.

   From three main points above, we can see the bad thing that could happened to a passive smoker. It is true that smoking is a right of every person . But to stay healthy is also the right of every person . If you want to smoke , respect person who doesn’t smoke . Because if you smoke in random place, it will endanger the lives of those who inhale the cigarette’s smoke. They can be a passive smoker Being a passive smoker is more dangerous than being an active smoker. Therefore , don’t smoking in random places and it would be much better if you stop smoking anymore.

(words : 424)

References :
·         https://memopeace.wordpress.com/2014/10/27/dampak-asap-rokok-terhadap-kesehatan-anak/
·         http://dinkes.pamekasankab.go.id/index.php/berita/199-bahaya-perokok-pasif

8 komentar:

  1. artikkel nice , hopefully from this article , smokers may quickly realize . in the hope that reading the umpteenth article about the dangers of smoking change his lifestyle without smoking. might be more interesting if you include this way or rehabilitation stops smoking . nice

  2. I agree with this article should have more self-conscious active smoker and do not smoke in any place because it can make someone who does not smoke become passive smokers even though the government has made a special place for smokers in public places like a smoke area in mall but a smoker active always don't care about that place

  3. Yeah we're same about it. The real man don't smoke and every girls like that. especially girl, i ever seen girls smoke and i really sad to see it. Let's hope and pray everyone who smoke should be stop smoke again

  4. I agree with the article above as passive smokers gets greater impact than active smokers and therefore so is important the role of government as one of the countries that sell cigarettes to the price that millions of people do not smoke

  5. I agree with this article, the point is smokers and non-smokers will be negatively affected, stop smoking !!!!

  6. I agree with your article. Smokers only be a parasite because there is not a positive effect even just give a negative effect on those around

  7. I agree with your opinion, the first dangerous thing is inhibition of brain development and behavior effect because disruption of nerve’s system. And one consequence Top can we get from smoking is suffering from heart disease.So we have no advantage to be a smoker

  8. So am i........i agree with your opinion. The reason ? juz like the previous post ^^
