Minggu, 22 Mei 2016

Attitude and Behavior of Youth in the Age of Globalization

Attitude and Behavior of Youth in the Age of Globalization
           Ferdo Irawan
     Mathematics / 02151005

Teenagers are one of the crucial period in which an individual is experiencing a transition from one stage to the next and experience change of either emotions, body, interests and behavior patterns. Therefore teenagers are particularly vulnerable to experience psychosocial problems, that psychological or psychiatric problems that arise as a result of social change. Globalization is a process of the ideas raised then offered to be followed by other nations who eventually arrive at a point a collective agreement and serve as guidelines together with the nations around the world. However, globalization has positive impacts and negative impacts, therefore we must be able to resist the negative effects of globalization.

The first thing many people think that a lot of information that is not filtered. Because attitudes are negative often we see in many media and events that we see directly. Examples unrest students - students that occurred in Jakarta caused by the lack of the government to pay attention to the information communicated social media, because the news today may be mediated social such as the internet, when the era of globalization, most human dependence on the internet therefore many teens who can see any news that is the internet.

The second reason is loss of culture and local customs. everything that comes from abroad would be considered as a matter much greater than things that come from the local. A result, many young people who more closely follow the foreign culture than the culture itself.

The third reason is the westernized lifestyle that is often done by teenagers. Not all western culture is good and suitable to be applied in Indonesia. Negative culture that began to shift children's native culture is no longer respect for parents, teens free life and others. Nearly 50% of teens world, especially women, have lost his most precious crown. And 80% had dared to try and use drugs (narcotics). That is a very we pity from today's teenagers, they are supposed to be the successor to the role of national hero.
Of the three points above, we can see a lot of negative impact of globalization. Although impact of globalization there are positive, but teenagers can just follow the impacts are given, because adolescence period unstable and very easily influenced by other people or peers, therefore Globalization we can make as a friend, or even as an opponent. Good friends can certainly give a good impact as well. Similarly, the opponent, the opponent can also be cruel cruel impact also for us. Well, as it was also the globalization could have implications for teens. As a teenager educated, we should be able to sort out the impact of globalization, which are exemplary, and which are not. Which one should be friends, and which ones should be used as the enemy.

467 words


7 komentar:

  1. Very helpful article, hopefully this can be useful for all.

  2. agree, so as not to get stuck with the negative impact of globalization era then find a good friend in order to be good anyway

  3. awesome article there, I'm totally agree with you especially at the paragraph 4 where you explain "westernized culture" which is very true to tenagers these day

  4. globalization has positive impacts and negative impacts, therefore we must be able to resist the negative effects of globalization.

  5. i think this article so interested to read.

  6. In my opinion, this was meant to be addressed carefully, because the moral is something that can support the establishment of a country, this country is an identity crisis and the importance of character education is certain to be implanted since early on children and adolescents, which has a role as a milestone in the country.

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