Minggu, 22 Mei 2016


Rosalta Agata
Mathematics / 02151018

RECLAMATION a job or business in the utilization of a land or areas that are not useful and watery to clear land for a useful manner is dried . Places are commonly used as a place for the reclamation of coastal areas, off-shore or offshore , lakes , swamps or river so wide . However , in each of the activities have the negative and positive impacts including reclamation , may be conducting only benefit only temporary losses in half by hand the who do not understand anything unwittingly many remote coastal areas are lost because of this activity. Therefore, the reclamation be deleted because it has many negative effects .

The first impact is the reclamation area is the beach which was originally a public space for the community will be lost or reduced due to private activities will be utilized . In terms of environment many dead sea creatures both flora and fauna land settlement urugan thereby affecting the existing ecosystem .

Second , System hydrology tidal wave that crashed onto the beach will be transformed from its natural . Changing the flow of water will result in areas beyond reclamation will be an abundance of water is much that is likely to happen abrasion , erosion or cause flooding or rob because puddles are many and long .

Third, the social aspects of community activities in the coastal areas are mostly fish farmers , fishermen or laborers . With the reclamation would affect the fish in the sea , resulting in the decline in their income dependents to the sea . Next is the ecological aspect , the condition of the ecosystem in coastal areas rich in biodiversity support functions as a buffer mainland coast . Inshore ecosystems are vulnerable to changes so that if there is a change in natural and engineering will result in changes in the balance of the ecosystem. The imbalance of the ecosystem in the coastal waters relatively long time will result in damage to ecosystems coastal areas , this condition causes damage to the beach.

From three main points above, we can see that three negative impact the reclamation. So this is the solution the reclamation of coastal zone management policies and small islands, fixing environmental sanitation and speed recovery, central and local government can strengthen the discussion of the national marine spatial planning to facilitate community.
(400 words)
·         https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_reclamation 
·         http://nawarsyarif.blogspot.co.id/2015/08/dampak-reklamasi-pantai-terhadap.html

5 komentar:

  1. I think its good article..

  2. reclamation may have a negative impact if the manufacturer and objective have errors.

  3. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  4. Many disadvantages comes from reclamation, and one of it is "The imbalance of the ecosystem". Im totally agree with you that we must delete the reclamation.

  5. what is arguably the deo that is true and indeed reclamation must stop
