Minggu, 22 Mei 2016

Cigarette to live or die ?

Cigarette to live or die ?
By Dika Maraga Maulid || 10151014

Image result for rorok wallpaper
Cigarettes are cylinders made of paper measuring about 70 to 120 mm with a diameter of about 10 mm and contains tobacco leaves that have been shredded. With the rorok in Indonesia could increase the state 's income tax and excise sector
Smoking greatly benefit people in look for employment thus create employment for the people of a factory worker cigarettes and smoking tobacco farmers. very profitable traders in terms of the export of cigarettes out of the country.

Cigarettes are usually sold in a box-shaped bundle or package of paper that can be incorporated easily into pockets. Since the last few years, these bundles are also generally accompanied by health messages that warn smokers of the health hazards that may result from smoking

The loss also smoking is redundant. Should his money in the store or in tabungkan than to buy cigarettes that there are benefits for the health of the comparison is a pack of cigarettes is equal to one serving of a meal.

Losses cigarettes also are disturbing the comfort of those around them can also cause illness for people who do not smoke. Inhaling other people's smoke is more dangerous than smoking cigarettes themselves. Even the danger that must be borne passive smokers tripling of the dangers of active smokers. The disease can suffer from passive smoking is no more dangerous than the active smokers

(235 word)

§  http://biillysardjito.blogspot.co.id/

8 komentar:

  1. agree with this arcticle, like in singapore, goverment have special rules for smoker, like their have they own area for smoker, everywhere even in the outdoor enviorment, and no one can smoke in public space, Indonesia Goverment should make this rules too for Better Indoneisa..

  2. I agree, because the money to buy cigarettes can still be used for other things that are more useful for example alms

  3. I agree too, I think smokers should pay health tax because the numbers of cancer patients would most likely decrease, smokers would be less likely to smoke due to additional taxes and would improve the overall health, and the government would have a lower expenditure rates towards the health treatments for smokers.

  4. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  5. i agree in your opinion. great article

  6. I always agree with the articles that ban cigarette, Cigarette has no benefit at all


  7. I agree with you dika . because I really hate people who smoke , it is tantamount to kill himself and also those that stood by. they think smoking can be able to resolve the problem . yes their problems by committing suicide . but not whether we think of innocent people come in contact with the impact


  8. I agree with you dika . because I really hate people who smoke , it is tantamount to kill himself and also those that stood by. they think smoking can be able to resolve the problem . yes their problems by committing suicide . but not whether we think of innocent people come in contact with the impact
