Minggu, 22 Mei 2016

Mangrove Forest Conversion impact Become a Pond


Suhandayu Novianto
Mathematics / 02151020

        Indonesia has a sea area of 5.8 square kilometers with a number of 17,506 islands and a coastline of 81,000 km . In addition, Indonesia is also rich in biodiversity and natural wealth of the sea is very beautiful kind of coral reefs, mangroves , seagrass and marine biotaSo is this wealth of potential for the progress of Indonesia from the fisheries and maritime sectors , both in view of the ecological and economic functions. As examples of cases that occurred in North Sumatra is the existence of land conversion of mangrove forests into public ponds and converted again into oil palm plantations. 

The mangrove forests in Sumatra ingcreasingly eroded due to land conversion to oil plant plantations, fish farm.
It caused the conversion of 1000 hectares of mangrove land into ponds and palm oil plantations is due to mangrove forests decreased productivity due to the utilization or exploitation of mangrove ecosystem on a large scale by the coastal communities without being followed back the rehabilitation process of the mangrove ecosystemThe reason the conversion of mangrove forests is reinforced by economic factors Indonesian coastal communities that still underlined poverty

Formerly coastal communities in the region of Deli Serdang , North Sumatra could easily get a commodity that can be used to meet everyday life as well as for trade of this mangrove forest , but over time , the potential productivity of mangroves decreased so that the coastal communities of North Sumatra choose alternative land conversion of mangrove into aquaculture and oil palm plantations . The transfer of land use changes have a direct impact to the mangrove ecosystem food chain into the food chain ecosystem new land

        Operates ecological impact due to reduced sales manager and the destruction of mangrove ecosystems is the loss of different species of flora and fauna associated with mangrove ecosystems , in the long term would disrupt the balance of ecosystems , especially mangrove coastal ecosystems in general . In addition, the declining quality and quantity of mangrove forests has resulted in an alarming effects , such as abrasion are always increasing , decreasing fisheries catches Beach , sea water intrusion farther landward , malaria and others.


           In order for the people of Indonesia still able to make the mangrove forests as a source of livelihood , in addition to environmental sustainability can be kept back , it is necessary to Sustainable operational management . Base is used as the basis for resource management of mangrove forest has two key objectives for creating sustainable and productive ecosystems sustain different Needs to review its management. 

         In addressing the damage to mangrove forests are getting worse then efforts should be made to prevent the damage getting worse and do rehabilitation to restore function of mangrove forests intact, so as to restore the ecosystem as usual. Replanting mangroves
need to be done, setting Return spatial coastal areas, settlements, vegetation and others, ponds trench pattern, the need for the development of community participation, as well improvement coastal ecosystem in an integrated and community based. In order to make it into a mangrove forest area that is able to protect and prosperous society.

(word 496)

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6 komentar:

  1. I think its nice article

  2. Mangrove forests are protected and should not be cut down let alone be used as a commercial enterprise :)

  3. I agree with your article. We should increase people attention to mangrove forests. With some programs and activities that can rehabilitate mangrove forests


  4. Mangrove forests must be protected because it can prevent erosion and abrasion as well as a deterrent and a natural filter

  5. yes that's the state of mangrove forests in the northern Sumatra region , and we also do not know who else in the area Indonesia mangrove forests experienced a conversion , hopefully with the rehabilitation of mangrove forests are irreversible and become a beautiful mangrove forest . and maybe the government should think of a way that the formation of jobs for people without touching the mangroves. :)

  6. rehabilitation to restore function of mangrove forests intact is a good solution :)
