Minggu, 22 Mei 2016

Stop Bullying in Schools

Stop Bullying in Schools
stop bullying in schools
Muhammad Ilmi Fauzan
Information System/10151031

     In this modern era there is still only be found bullying activities that occur in the school environment ranging from primary school to senior high school whose name terdapar bullying example when we are mocking friend is also an example of bullying. Basically, this practice does not only happen in the real world alone but occur in social media have many who are victims of cyber bulliying.

     This activity can affect the psychology of the victim, because victims feel like not needed in his neighborhood and the victim basically became insecure and not sure the school environment and can cause phobia on the school environment such as not going to school anymore.

     Because the victims were less important in the school environment, because the victim had a lot to get treatment like physical bullying at by friends who membulllying, so arises the fear of the victim to get into the school environment.

     Basically the practice of bullying is happening at the level of seniority. like bullying are not aware of such an action ospek, mos in school or in university circles are examples of bullying that exists and a culture in our country and become hereditary and activities continued with the aim of shaping the character junior to understand the educational environment in the voting.

      How to overcome the first bullying Arm yourself with martial arts, resolve issues well, and when it is a good way does not work then do a rough way but without physical violence and bullying pikis usually attacks the victim physically but if psychic victims. Here the role of parents is very important for their affection and protection may affect the psychology of the victim.

     Because of the magnitude of the impact of bullying, parents, teachers and the community must work together to prevent it, including by: (1) the parent must apply religious values ​​to the child; (2) Provide affection, protection and supervision of the child; (3) parents should also teach good manners to children.

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4 komentar:

  1. at least the activities of MOS in high school should be deducted from non-essential activities. Better add motivation and inspiration for new students. so that they can achieve many accomplishments.

  2. bullying make anypeople psychology down

  3. we must prevent bullying from an early age

  4. i dont agree the statement that saying,ospek and mos in school or in university circles are examples of bullying that exists and a culture in our country.MOS itself is actually one of the official school activities that have a clear legal basis , usually in the form of regulation of the goverment , the Department of Education or school concerned to hold MOS . So MOS is not solely made ​​up of senior activities to welcome the juniors , but more than that MOS is an activity that has been on the " Get legal ".
    about the bullying that happen in school by the seniors,when the mos/ospek is being held.it's probably because of their abusing their rights as a senior.
